"A masterpiece of engineering and a work of art."

Leonardo DaVinci, on the human foot.

26 bones. 33 joints. 100+ muscles & tendons.

The human foot is a biomechanical marvel, evolved for performance and adaptability. With a geometry for flexibility and strength, it complies to terrains. The dynamic transition from flexibility to rigidity propels you forward with explosive power, while responding like a finely tuned machine - ensuring balance and stability in every movement.

Diabetes can be devastating to it.


We're working to protect feet from the effects of diabetes.

Our projects range wide and leverage our evolving understanding of the human foot.

Compliant Footwear

Dynamically Self Offloading Insoles

Therapeutic footwear that operates mechanically without using sensors or actuators.



Digtial Podiatry Clinic

a Kiosk for early screening and detection of diabetic foot conditions, including neuropathy, vasculopathy and arthropathy.


Foot 2.0

A digital twin of the human foot

Diagnostic, prognostic and predictive capabilities packaged as a navigable model.


Get in touch

Explore how StrideAide can help you walk assured.

Call us: +91 89707 19677 | Mail us: info@strideaide.com